
Connecticut State Bird - American Robin


American Robin

 (Turdus migratorius)

Adopted in 1943.

The American Robin was adopted as the official State Bird by the General Assembly in 1943. The name Robin is applied to a number of familiar birds, but in North America it is the migratory thrush. (Turdus migratorius.)

Connecticut's Robin, a true thrush, is a migratory bird with a reddish brown or tawny breast and a loud cheery song. It was first called Robin by the early colonists, in remembrance of the beloved English bird. Despite the protests of some naturalists, we still retain that traditional name.

Familiar in the summertime throughout North America, the American Robin is seen from Alaska to Virginia. Most people do not know that many Robins spend the entire winter in New England. They roost among the evergreens in the swamps where they feed on winter berries.


  • Length: 8.5 inches
  • Black to dark gray head
  • Broken eye ring
  • Dull red breast and belly
  • White undertail coverts
  • Gray upperparts
  • Streaked throat
  • Thin yellow bill
  • Sexes similar-female somewhat paler
  • Winter plumage is somewhat paler than Summer plumage
  • Juveniles have spotted, whiter breasts
  • Common in residential areas where it often forages on lawns
  • Often sings very early in morning
  • Often found in large flocks outside of breeding season

Taxonomic Hierarchy 


Animalia -- animals


Chordata -- chordates


Vertebrata -- vertebrates


Aves -- birds


Passeriformes -- perching birds


Muscicapidae -- old world flycatchers


Turdus Linnaeus, 1758 -- robins


Turdus migratorius Linnaeus, 1766 -- american robin, Mirlo primavera